October 20, 2019




alive and kicking        sehat jasmanni & rohani
Uncle Jack is 90 years old but he is still alive and kicking.
alive and well              baik-baik saja
She got a big accident last week but she was  alive and well.
as fit as a fiddle           sehat secara fisik
To be as fit as fiddle, he recommends us to do an exercise regularly.
as pale as a ghost      pucat seperti hantu
You look as pale as a ghost.
as pale as death         pucat seperti mayat
She looks as pale as ghost.
at death's door            hampir meninggal
I tought I was a death’s door.
on one's feet    sehat kembali (sembuh)
I feel I am on my feet.
bitter pill to swallow     kenyataan pahit
I got a bitter pill to swallow.
Black and blue            babak belur
Tom was black and blue after being caught stealing a smartphone.
black out                     tidak sadarkan diri (pingsan)
Kim was almost black out because of the punishment yesterday.
break down                 sedih & tidak dapat mengontrol emosi
He starts breaking down to tears.
break out in a cold sweat       keringat dingin akibat kondisi gugup
I broke out in a cold sweat before giving the presentation.
breathe one's last        meninggal
Unfortunatelly, Conor breathed his last on the acident.
bring someone around            menyembuhkan seseorang
The doctor will bring you around.
have a bundle of nerves         orang yg mudah gugup / gelisah
She has a bundle of nerves.
burn oneself out           kondisi sangat lelah akibat pekerjaan
The project has burned me out.
catch a cold                masuk angin
Put on your jumper so you will not catch a cold.
catch one's death of cold       pilek / flu parah
I have caught my death of cold, it’s been three months long.
check-up                     pemeriksaan dokter
You have to run a check-up before going home.
clean bill of health       surat keterangan sehat
People today need to own a clean bill of health when applying for job.
die a natural death     meninggal karena penyakit atau usia tua
Everyone wants to die anatural death.
draw blood                  mengambil sampel darah
Will the doctor draw my blood before the surgery?
drop dead                   meninggal secara tiba-tiba
I didn’t ever think Adam to drop dead.
fall ill                jatuh sakit
I am sorry to be absent tomorrow, I fall ill.
feel fit               merasa sehat
Don’t worry guys, I feel extremely fit.
feel on top of the world            merasa sangat sehat
Madison said that she was feeling on top of the world.
fill a prescription          menulis resep obat
Wait a minute! I am going yo fill a prescription.
flare up                        kambuh lagi (suatu penyakit)
I ate shrimps, and I guess my itching seems to flare up.
get a black eye          mata bengkak
Oh my god! You get a black eye!
get a charley horse     mengalami kram pada tangan atau kaki
I get a charley horse everytime I sit down too long.
get a checkup             periksa kesehatan
All patients must get a checkup regularly.
get over                       sembuh
Have you got over?
get sick                        jatuh sakit
It seems I get sick.
get well                        membaik / sembuh dari sakit
Get well soon!
give birth                     melahirkan
Some women have a trauma from giving birth.
go under the knife       mendapat operasi / pembedahan
You ankle is dislocated. You need to go under the knife.
green around the gills terlihat sakit / tidak sehat
The boss looks a bit green around the gills.
physical examination  tes fisik
Is a physical examination needed?
have one foot in the grave                  hampir meninggal
Don’t even imagine you have one foot in the grave.
a head shrinker                       seorang psikiater
Are you a head shrinker?
in a family way                        sedang hamil
She is in a family way.
in good shape                         dalam keadaan sangat sehat
My grandpa is 76 years old but he is still in good shape.
in labor                                    dalam proses melahirkan
Jus believe in God when your wife in labor.
kick a habit                             berhenti dari kebiasaan buruk
I was smoking for a long time but now I have kicked a habit.
a kink in one's neck                kram leher
I get a kink in one’s neck.
lapse into a coma                   jatuh koma / mengalami kondisi koma
My mom lapsed into a coma.
nothing but skin and bones    terlihat sangat kurus
The cat is nothing but skin and bones.
on medication                         dalam pengobatan
I am on medication so I won’t drink any alcohol.
on the mend                            mulai membaik / sembuh
You seems on the mend.
prevention is worth a pound of cure    pencegahan lebih baik daripada penyembuhan
Remember that prevention is worth a pound of cure.
out cold                                   pingsan
I am sorry to seen you out cold.
out of condition                       dalam keadaan sakit
I am out of condition, I won’t go to work.
out of shape                            tidak sehat
I hope you are not out of shape.
out of sorts / in a bad mood                suasana hati yg buruk
Jack is out of sorts, you need to wait until tomorrow to talk with him.
to pass away                           meninggal
My mom passed away many years ago.
pass on                                    meninggal
I didn’t know that your parents had passed on.
pass out                                   jatuh pingsan
A lot of demonstrators passed out.
run a fever                               mengalami demam
I was caught in the rain yesterday so I am now running a fever.
splitting headache                  sakit kepala parah
I have a splitting headache. It’s killing me!
susceptable to (illness)            mudah terserang (penyakit)
I am susceptable to toothache when eating cool food.
take a sick day                       cuti sakit
May I take sick day?
take someone's pulse              memeriksa denyut nadi
Let me take your pulse.
take someone's temperature   memeriksa suhu tubuh
The doctor needs to take your temperature.
throw up                                  muntah
I can’t eat shrimps. It always throw it up.
under the weather                   tidak sehat
Are you under the weather?


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